
Carlson School Faculty Name (Edit to Change)

About the Carlson School Faculty Template

This template was constructed based on the University Relations-approved template.

Please read the guidelines on the Guidelines for Google Sites Templates at the U.

When creating a Carlson faculty Google website, please keep the following in mind:

University of Minnesota Google sites can only be used for professional activities associated with the University.

    • Faculty or staff using Google sites to communicate professional activities associated with the University should never include personal interests or activities on the site; all personal business must be on a separate personal site that does not include University branding. See University Brand Guidelines.

Privacy settings should be changed to the public can view your site.

    • A Google site's default setting limits the visibility of the site to only those on your University campus. It should be changed so the public can view it.
    • To change the settings, go the the More drop-down menu at the top right of the site. Click and select Manage Site. In the left navigation, select Sharing and Permissions. Under "Who Has Access," select Change. Under Visibility Options, select "Public on the web." This will allow your site to be viewable by the general public. The "University of Minnesota" setting is misleading - this setting will allow only people on your own campus to see the site.

Examples of pages are listed in the tabbed navigation. Add/remove pages to suit your needs.